The 34th Annual Meeting of ISCE is over.

We would like to thank all presenters, oral and poster, for bringing their science to Budapest and acquainting us of their most interesting scientific discoveries. We are especially grateful to the symposium organizers and the members of the session committees and the scientific committee for their invaluable assistance in putting together the scientific program of the conference.

We strongly hope that all of you will take nice memories of Budapest and the meeting back home.

You can browse and download photos of the conference here.

Wishing you all the best and further successes in your scientific achievements:

The Organizers


Please click here to sign in or to log in.

The abstract submission deadline for ISCE 2018 was on May 15. All submitting author will get an acceptance notification (and the final status - oral/poster)  of his/her presentation. The organizers will start to send out these notifications by June 15.

For latecomers, participant registration is still possible in special cases through the homepage. Please note that a registration becomes fully valid only after the amount arrives on the account of the ISCE 2018 organizers.


Dear Colleagues,

In 2018, Hungary has the honour of organizing the 34th ISCE conference in Budapest. Oral and poster presentations can be submitted for the following principal sessions:
1) New chemical structures;
2) Interspecific relationships;
3) Intraspecific relationships and
4) Practical applications.

Joining to specific symposia on a narrower topic (6-10 presentations) is also possible.

It is our pleasure to invite you to participate at a memorable meeting of high scientific standards in Budapest, a city well worth to visit and to discover.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Budapest.

Please check our homepage regularly for updates.


Sincerely yours,

Miklós Tóth
Plant Protection Institute, CAR HAS

Zoltán Imrei
Organizing Secretary
Hungarian Plant Protection Society













The insect on the ISCE logo is a moth, a young female Erannis bajaria (Geometridae), in calling posture, emitting her pheromone [(3Z,6Z,9Z)-3,6,9-octadecatriene  and (3Z,6Z,9Z)-3,6,9-nonadecatriene, G. Szőcs, W. Francke et al., unpublished]


The conference is organized by  the Hungarian Plant Protection Society and the Plant Protection Institute of the Centre for Agricultural Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA).

Invited principal patron:
László Lovász, F.M.
President, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA)

Invited patrons:
Tamás Németh, F.M.
Chair of Section of Agricultural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA)

Balázs Győrffy
President of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture

Contact address:
Plant Protection Institue,
CAR HAS, (attn. Miklós Tóth), Budapest,
Herman O. u. 15.,
H-1525, Hungary
Phone: (+36-1)-3918637
Fax: (+36-1)-3918655

The conference is organized on a purely non-profit basis. Contributions from sponsors are gratefully acknowledged.