East meets West: Budapest brings chemoecologists together

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The abstract submission deadline for ISCE 2018 was on May 15. All submitting author will get an acceptance notification (and the final status - oral/poster)  of his/her presentation. The organizers will start to send out these notifications by June 15.

For latecomers, participant registration is still possible in special cases through the homepage. Please note that a registration becomes fully valid only after the amount arrives on the account of the ISCE 2018 organizers.



Registration process:
1) Please register to the website filling your details. You will get access to the "Registration items" page as soon as you have clicked on the link in the confirmation e-mail immediately sent for the activation of your account.
2) Please c
hoose your registration ite
ms and submit your choice to get immediate access to the "Abstract" page from which you can submit your abstract.
3) Please submit your abstract or abstracts.


NEWS (26 April, 2018):

"The conference organizers would like to support the colleagues, who can bank transfer from their personal bank accounts only taking over the transfer costs and the exchange costs for the rest of the registration period:

For any participants who make bank transfers from their own, personal accounts the organizers take over the transfer costs, which have to be indicated when the transfer is initiated. The typical code for costs to be paid by the receiver is BEN (instead of SHA or OUR). BEN (beneficiary) means you do not pay any charge, but the organizers receive your payment minus all transfer charges.

The organizers take over the exchange costs once the payment arrives from a private persons bank account kept in another currency than in EUR. This means that despite of receiving less EUR (calculated back to USD on a middle rate) compared to the value transferred in USD (or other currencies) originally, an invoice will be issued including the amount of the pro forma invoice, so the reimbursement of the exchange rate in the direction of the employer is possible."


Registration is required to attend the meeting. Only registered participants will be admitted to the scientific sessions. The registration is completed with the payment of registration fee. If you have problems with online registration please contact isce2018@agrar.mta.hu and isce2018budapest@gmail.com. Please include both addresses for a better communication.

Registration fees*


Early registration

until 28 February


Late registration

from 1 March


ISCE member



Non-ISCE member



Student** ISCE member



Student** non-ISCE member



Developing country*** ISCE member



Developing country*** non-ISCE member



* Reimbursement: The organizers reimburse 70 % of the registration costs requested before 15 March. Later the organizers may reimburse some portion of the registration costs in some specific cases.
** A confirmation letter (.pdf) by the supervisor should be sent to: isce2018@agrar.mta.hu
*** Developing countries are regarded as the low-income and lower-middle income groups, as defined by the World Bank Country and Lending groups based on the current classification of the site.

A Student Travel Award Scheme is available from ISCE. For student travel awards, the application deadline is 15 April, 2018.The applicants for ISCE travel award, please read the requirements at https://chemecol.org/travelawards.shtml.

Registration package includes:
- Usage of conference facilities during the conference
- Welcome reception
- Light refreshments in the morning and afternoon coffee breaks in between sessions
- Book of Abstracts (printed)
- T-shirt with conference logo (sizes M, L, XL available)
- Conference bag with several small gift items

Optional items not included in the registration package:
- Lunch at the Conference Venue (available on 13 th, 14 th, 15 th, 16 th and 17th of August – 25 EUR each)
- Excursion (afternoon - 15th of August) – 30 EUR
- Cultural event (evening - 15th of August) – 30 EUR
- Gala dinner (evening - 17th of August) – 95 EUR

Student Travel Award

A Student Travel Award Scheme is available from ISCE. For student travel awards, the application deadline is 15 April, 2018.The applicants for ISCE travel award, please read the requirements here.